Hi all
I have been trying to stay calm but am getting a little anxious now about all my pains. I have an ongoing bad neck which I am not sure if it causes my headaches, back pains or what, I am having acupuncture to try and help it. I have also had this pain under my left rib cage and it goes round the back a little. Its like a stabbing pain which comes and goes, nothing makes it change, it just is there one minute and not the next but its getting me down and getting me worried. Is it nerves or maybe an ulcer, I have been googling and not sure what I have found! Ulcers sound more food related but I do get stressed and drink alcohol which says causes ulcers but the pain is on the left side not down the middle.
Has anyone had this, is it nerves related to my neck and muscle strain? I do hope so, am just so paranoid about the big C and get myself in a right state.
I asked the doc a while ago and she said heart is fine and its my nerve endings? But ibruprofen doesn't get rid of it?
any advice?