Hi Judi
I was really interested to read the description of your experience with the LP.
I did the training programme in January initially for M.E., but also because I have problems with anxiety, getting out of the house, being alone and O.C.D.
I've found that it has helped with the symptoms of M.E. to a degree but I have not had such success with the anxiety problems. I am actually getting out now which I hadn't managed to do for 6 years but am still doing a lot of anxiety. You seem to have achieved huge success with you problems using the LP and I was wondering if you have any advice. I've been back to my trainer and she says that because I'm running so many unhelpful programmes it's bound to be more difficult. But I'm desperate for the success others have achieved. If you have any thoughts please let me know.

Hope you are still doing well!


Quote Originally Posted by Judi View Post
Me! Heard of it, done it, recommend it.

Initilly I looked at this training programme because a friend had ME. We concluded that there was too much hype for it to be true (could ALL the poeple listed on the site have really recovered?) and that at £560 it was too much to risk. However my friend later heard of someone she knew who had done the course and she decided to give it a try. For the next 3 days I got incredible text messages about the things she had achieved each day, walking distances and going places she couldn't have imagined a week earlier.

I started looking at the information on the site for anxiety/stress but there was a lot less than for ME. When she returned, my friend suggested that I wait to see if her recovery continued, but I was under threat from work that any more time off, even with a doctors note, would result in dismissal.

I agonised over what to do, the possibility of wasting the money, having to stay away from home (no practitioner within a 2.5 hour drive), coping with the drive. In the end I admit that having a friend speak of it so highly was the deciding factor. I was determined to go, but dreaded the drive, I kept re-running everything that could go wrong. Sheer determination got me into the car and I was in tears a few times during the journey.

After the first day I wasn't sure it would work but I could understand the basics and was still convinced I had to give it 100% because it was only for 3 days. The second day was my 'golden day.' I was the confident person of my fantasies! I went out for a meal on my own and not only walked into the restaurant alone but suddenly realised I was enjoying the meal instead of worrying about the future or re-running the past. The following morning I went shopping, not really thinking of anything in particular and then realised it was 11am and I hadn't felt scared all morning. I was all alone in a strange city and calmly shopping. No fear, no breathing problems, no having to stop and force myself simply to walk on. For me, depression was constant fear and anxiety was sheer terror, constant and mind numbing.

It IS a training programme, so you have to be all the more careful when you get home to break old patterns and constantly reinforce new ones. From what I have read of the processes of NLP and hypnotherapy there is a lot of those components to it but I confess I don't know much about either. Although I had been for hypnotherapy and done weekly sessions of CBT/person centred therapy I was recovering while attending these sessions and slipping back as soon as I was back in stressful situations without having the weekly sessions.