I have a raised mole on my face near my eye that has slowly (very slowly) grown over the years. I asked my doctor about it about 3 months ago on a routine visit. She said she didn't think that it was anything to worry about for now but that I should probably get it removed in the next 6-12 months. She referred me to a plastic surgeon because it's so close to my eye. Anyway, I kind of put the referral to one side, then I had a really long viral illness (cue a bunch of other HA worries) so it wasn't a priority... Now I've just been looking at it and I swear it has changed a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. And I'm freaking out. I haven't made an appointment with the plastic surgeon and apparently it can take months to get one. I'm scared I've got a melanoma stuck to my face... Should I go back to my doctor? I'm going to make an appointment with the plastic surgeon tomorrow but I'm just really worried that my recent illness is a sign of something more sinister... or is that just stupid???