Hi all

I was just wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom on my present problem.

I worry a lot about my health like many people with anxiety. In particular, I worry that an imminent heart attack is waiting to happen. I have had lots of ECG's over the last 4 years and a 24 hr ECG too, all which were normal.

When my anxiety is at its worst, I always get the fluttering chest and pains around the heart region. I always worry that this time this is it and I always live to see another day. I worry though that the next time will or could be it and fear it.

At the moment I have a tight throat and chest and when I take a deep breath soemtimes I feel a flutter in my chest. I have been to see my GP who has said its anxiety and to try and relax...... I am doing my best with this but this is a new symptom for me.

Does anyone understand what I am feeling? and is there anything I can do to try and put these fears into perspective better to prevent worrying everytime I get a symptom that I will die sometime soon.

