...but not due to anxiety!

I went, and I was scared, and I admitted that. They gave the first local anaesthetic injection. It really really hurt, but I was told not to worry, to breathe etc (they were really nice, at least!) and it'd kick in..it didn't. Well, maybe 33% of it did, but barely. I was really not very numb at all.

Another injection (agonous)

Another one...

Basically, it wasn't really getting anywhere and after a couple of injections I started crying and getting into a bit of a state..it was a disaster.

I had numbing gel and everything, but it hardly made a difference, the injections HURT LIKE HELL, and only my tongue really numbed at all! No lip tingling, nothing.

I'm just one of those people with tricky nerves who have a hard time numbing, apparantly, so I'm being referred for IV sedation in hospital.

Which will be a laugh, I have minute veins and hardly any doctors or nurses (no joke) can ever stick anything in them!

o dear.