Hello longtime since I last posted, need some advice on this medication. Fluoxetine.

I've begun counselling sessions with my local health authourity. I decided to go with some kind of counselling as I passed my 1 year of trying to cope with panic / anxiety attacks since they began without the results I really was hoping for. Obviously for them to cease to exist.

My first session was information gathering and I looked forward to my second which came three weeks later. At this second session, again it was further information gathering but with a more individual air to it, going indepth and very personal rather than the run of the mill set questions I had experienced and envisaged would take place at the first.

During the session my counsellor asked me if I would consider taking anti-depression medication as my scores in HAD were close on both counts Anxiety / Depression. I have always been anti medication and found it difficult to grasp the idea but after some thought I agreed to it.

The medication I have been asked to take is Fluoxetine 20mg (Prozac), initially for 1 month to see how I manage.

Can anyone with experience with this medication please give me their Pros and Cons regarding any aspects they feel would be worth knowing.

Thank you once again and sorry it has taken so long to post on this life saving forum.
