Having a really strange day today. Woke up okay for me decided to have a busy day and got started but started to feel really oddno panic just very tired and unreal so i kept going to distract myself but its just got worse and worse.I aam really trying hard to keep the panic at bay and even went for a very short drive with my daughter which i wouldnt have done once feeling like this. Also my eyes feel strange ( i seem to be getting an eye thing lately) i feel like i am looking through a mist i really dont know if its real or not but its really scaring me. I walk about the house feeling so scared keeping busy when i would rather lay on the sofa and do a relaxation tape but i cant lay down feeling like this. I just wish it would go and my head would clear
Ikeep telling myself i have had this before and i will get through it.
Does anyone else get days like this which started so well?

Barb xx