
Just wanted to post this to blow off steam as I've found myself sitting here fuming over a few things from this week and day dreaming about nutting my previous boss and his little croney. I only need to pick up my P45 as I no longer work there, but just going back there the other night reminded me of how crap it was. Anyone who has worked in the restaurant industry Im sure can relate to the type of people it tends to attract. Well, I've passed by twice and its not been ready, and just get fobbed off with excuses, and I'm sick of it. It was just a reminder of the s**t they pull (13 hour shifts washing dishes, being told I'm too slow, having the bin kicked out from in front of my while I'm cleaning stuff into it, having them steal my share of the tips and blatantly lie to my face about it). The little croney has owed me £20 for covering his shift when he was too out his face to work, that he's just given me excuse after excuse. GRrrrrrr. I get depressed cos I don't stand up for myself in the moment too, just "too nice". Any ideas for a non violent way to get my money and P45? A little non-violent revenge would be nice too!!
