Hi, I expect some of you will remember my previous threads regarding a trapped nerve in my neck and how I was worrying I have a tumour on my spine. I also posted a thread a couple of weeks ago with the good news that a had an MRI which showed nothing other than wear and tear and a bone spur.
I am now getting myself into such a state again as the pain just isn't getting better even though I am seeing a Chiropractor twice a week. She has told me that the MRI report showed no significant nerve compression so I don't understand why I am getting symptoms of a trapped nerve. The pain starts in my neck then in my shouldblade (where I also get a tingling sensation) across my shoulder, under my arm, across my chest and all down my arm and especially in my elbow. I am now convincing myself that I have a tumour where they didn't scan i.e. lower down my spine or in my shoulder.
It is so horrible feeling like this, I feel so anxious and scared all the time because I am not getting better and I'm not even looking forward to Christmas like I usually do.
Can anyone help me with what could be the cause of all this discomfort. It doesn't actually hurt to move my arm by the way and I also have good movement in me neck also. I am now into my third month of this.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thread and I hope I get some replies.