Hi there, havent been able to get on for a while due to my tempremental laptop so I'v been trying to deal with this new worry on my own.
I recently crawled out of my black hole of anxiety and depression and felt 100% better, I realised my GP was useless so i changed to a better one. I had been feeling generally run down and tired all the time but put it down to my anxiety and depression. My new doctor wasnt entirely convinced so he sent me for a full set of blood tests. These showed that my white blood count was raised. The normal should be between 2 and 15. Mine was 18 so my GP re-did my bloods only to find that they had raised further to 20. I have tried not to worry although at the back of my mind I am. These results are backing my cancer fears again and I am so worried. I have resisted googling for three weeks but today i couldnt help myself and i have just read that a raised white blood count usually indicates leukemia or cancer. I have to wait until mid-january before my GP will re-do my bloods as he wants to give any infection that may be present time to heal. If my bloods are still raised or even higher I will have to go to hospital for tests.
I would love some reassuring advice but what can anyone say to satisfy my fears? Have any of you had this happen to them? and what were the results.

Please help me, I am soooooo worried x

P.s I am soooo relieved that my laptop is back in top form otherwise i wouldnt have been able to post my secret santa on crimbo day x