Hi all....

As some of you who have read my posts will know, I have a fear of vomit and am obsessed about my throat. Feeling almost as if I can't speak because my it feels so sensitive and like I want to heave a lot of the time.

Well things have started to get a bit better but because I also felt a bit braver I thought I'd try and face the fear so this morning I rubbed my tongue around the back of my throat until I heaved. This wasn't too bad but that wasn't the end of it and I then had a really hard involuntary heave that almost make me sick. It's actually left my gullet and down into my stomach feeling a bit burny now and I still have the notion that I want to heave a bit.

Did I do the right thing or have I just unnverved myself even more? My heart is racing a bit and I feel a bit nervous now...
