Hi, I'm Mark. Been feeling a bit 'funny' or 'not myself' for about 5 years but I just assumed that was part of life (I'm 33 by the way). I couldn't catch my breath about 5 yeas ago but nipped it in the but very quickly with some breathing exercises; never had any other physical symptoms with it.

Now over the last 4 weeks, I got my breath problem back again, thought nothing of it until 1 week ago. Woke up at 3 am and couldnt breath properly, went to hospital to get checked out but nothing physically wrong with me. Since then I've developed a lot of physical symptoms associated with anxiety/depression, i.e. loss of appetite, tight chest, gloomy-depressing thoughts etc. Been prescribed amitryptyline to try and get a good nights rest and diazapam, but I'm scared to take diazapam as it seems a very short solution and is addictive. Back to the doc's next week to look at this problem properly - Funny thing is that I've never had trouble going to sleep naturally, which I've always counted as a blessing as I've heard lost of stories about people that have trouble sleeping for all sorts or reasons, and I was always so grateful that I never had that.

Now all of a sudden I dread going to sleep and have to take a stupid pill to calm me down. Guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel disappointed that I have got this problem and watch my friends and ex g/f just get on with their lives whlie I'm now stuck in limbo until my problem gets sorted out which is an unknown like a simple cold, you know you will feel poorly for a week or two, then back to normal - Not with this but guess you all know this already