I have been suffering with GAD & panic attacks for 4 years I have never taken medication for this as i have a fear of them making me worse and they all seem to have very unpleasant side effects. I have had counselling, hypnotherapy and CBT years ago but lately it seems to have gotten worse, i can't stop crying, i don't want to be around anyone because i do not have the energy to "put on a brave face" so to speak, i just don't want to leave the house (because its safe) I am just feeling so alone with no way out. I can't see the point to life anymore because no part of it is enjoyable and i'm also off work sick because of this. I went to my doctors the other day woh prescribed antidepressants Citalopram but when i looked them up on the internet the side effects were awful so i have decided not to take them because i do not want to feel any worse. I advised the doc I didn't want to take tablets but they just do not listen what else can i do apart from tablets? please help!

i would love to hear other ppls stories wot u have tried, wot has worked, wot hasn't etc..... xxxx