Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to share my news with you all. I have just come back from an appointment with my doctor and he is very pleased with my progress in getting over my anxiety. I had a blip christmas eve and shed a few tears as I was getting myself worked up over cooking for eight people christmas day. But at the end of the day christmas turned out great and I got through it!
My doctor has suggested I reduce my Prozac by only taking it five days a week instead of every day. I have to choose which two days of the week I feel I don`t need to take it so I`ve chosen Saturday and Sunday. I`ve got to go back and see him again in a month.
I would like to thank everyone on this site including those I`ve chatted to in the chatroom and those that have replied positively to my posts.
I will continue to be on here because I think it`s great and it has helped me so much!

Take care all!

Tanya xx