ive been on propranolol for 2 weeks now and i just wondered if anybody else has taken it??
i know its for my anxiety and what it does and all that kind of thing but really wanted to know if anybody else had felt worse when taking it?
i currently take 3 a day 40mg and 2 10mg of amitripyline at night ive been on the amitripyline for 3 months now and was doing great untill my doctor had a brainwave and said that he would like me to also try propranolol and now i wished i hadnt bothered as it has made me worse,i feel the anxiety more although it dont ever turn into a full blown attack i certinaly feel edgey all day as before i took amitripyline to chill me out and the attacks had started to settle!
im getting chest pains bad and feel very faint and lethargic i know im not to stop them suddenly but just wanted to know if i should try and stick them out a bit longer as i know some medication takes time to work properly or just to go see the doctor and ask him what the hell hes done to me?