Ah here we go again, Just when I think I am doing so well something happens.

I have been proud that I not been to the doctors for months despite there being reasons why I would normally go. I have got myself into trying to calm myself down and then waiting 5-7 days and if still there going to the doctors which in the last few months has proved right as symptoms have gone.

But last night while at home I stretched and put my hands behind my head and felt a lump, its sort of hard to explain where so I will have a try, its at the back of my ear but 4 fingers width further round the back. It feels like its on the boney area at the back of the skull, I have an identical one the other side, just the left hand side one is bigger and sore to touch like a spot, I have got my hubby to have a look and he can not see a spot.

For some reason all logic has gone out the window and started to freak myself out, I am supposed to be going aay this weekend but will be pointless as I will be obsessing with this and thinking about it 24/7

I have got an appointment with the doctors but its not till after the weekend, I just am hoping to be abe to calm myself down by then. I would point out that I had no other symptoms before I knew about it, now since I have had loads. But I know this is anxiety.
