Hi Everybody, I hope I'm finding you all ok

Do you find that people can create anxiety in you by them not acting in a way that you believe they should? For example, I send a message to a member of my family or a friend, and they don't message back, they ignore it. Is it something wrong with me or is it something that they do anyway? I can't work this out because I am sure they are doing it deliberatly and I think it's rude. If they are busy or just don't want to talk, then the most horrible thing you can do is ignore them surely?

If someone contacted me, I would be polite and say i am busy right now or just say can I talk later? Not only are you respecting that person but you are also not making them think you've constantly said or done something wrong. I am always having to chase these people and it really hurts, and it certainly doesn't help my anxiety or confidence at all.

Does anybody else experience this?
Thanks for reading,x