Hi, I have been on Citalopram for about six weeks now, though only 4 weeks on 20 mgs. I have to say the medicine has definitely helped. I was could barely function when I started and now I am able to do most things that I need to. However, I am still getting anxious, the occasional panic attack, and racing/worrying/disturbing thoughts. Though not of these are nearly as bad as before. So while citalopram is helping, I think it could be better. I called my doctor today and he said I could go up to 30 mgs if I wanted to, or stick at 20 mg to see if it gets better. Because I have only been at 20 mgs for 4 weeks, it still could be another couple of weeks before i feel the full effect of that dosage. Of course, I would prefer to stay at 20 mg, but I also want to feel as normal as possible, as soon as possible. I also don't want to get the side effects again that I have gotten from prior dosage increases. Thoughts on whether I should give 30 mg (probably to 25 first, and then to 30) a try or just stick it out on 20 mgs for a couple of weeks to see if it improves? Thank you!!