My doctor started me on citalopram 10mg about 5 weeks ago. I suffered from the shakes and I was so forgetful, doppy really. I had to keep catching my breath and in the pit of my stomach, all i could describe it is, the feeling was like someone died, you know, the doom, dream, sadness.
The doctor started me on them because I suffer from bad panc attacks, but I found that the 10mg, although they gave me these side effects for the first 2 weeks, didnt help much with the panic. I actually think it made it much worse, I started avoiding going anywere.
So went back to the doc and he up'd it to 20mg. so I'v only been on the 20 for a week. Yesterday I had to push myself to actually cross the front door and go into town shopping, amazingly enough I did it.
What I want to know is... it says that it take about 5 to 6 weeks for the pills to actually start to get into your system, and calm you. Well, because I was on 10mg for 4 weeks, and then up'd to 20mg, were would that leave me? i know that it will probably take a wee bit longer because it was a small dosage to start with, would I count, 2 weeks as 1?

Thanks for any help
x x x