Hi all,

Wow what a rollercoaster all this is. Firstly I sort of admit maybe (just maybe) I may be depressed with increased anxiety and a couple of horrid panics!! So i go to the gp and get meds. Ok sort of so far.

Then the weeks of telling no one!!!

Then its ok I think maybe (cos ppl kept saying me to) I perhaps ought to admit this to my husband. So, do having been told by gp that maybe I am also shouldering his depression too!

So, for two weeks of persuasion I got him to go to gp too. Oh God, not sure I've done right thing or not cos he's now on meds.

Blimey[:O] still can't believe all this has happened in last two months, its crazy and bizarre and I feel so guilty still that we've got to this.

How could I have let all this creep up on us and not manage our situations better. I feel suddenly overwhelmed and bombarded by emotions I never ever realised I would experience and I feel I keep going over same ground, so i'm sorry if i've repeated stuff from previous posts.

I find chat very comforting but at end of day I realise I must try and come to terms with this and start to move on. Hardest part is i'm so impatient I want to feel different and reality is I won't will I, just have some more better days and less bad days. Also, no panics and less anxiety is so much more managable so i at least know now the tablets are working!

Actually, I do believe this is happening now (probably cos not drinking so much) and I do believe maybe telling my husband getting him to go to gp was a good thing cos now its not all inside me and its not such a 'no no' subject (even if he doesn't really discuss things).

Thank you for listening, again just offloading some thoughts. I guess reading this back actually I have accepted I am depressed, have accepted the tablets are needed and are helping and have accepted I have made some progress.

I actually feel better now, thank you, thats why this forum is so good isn't it, to be able to air thoughts with ppl who understand.

Sax xx[8D]