hi everyone,

ive not been around much as i havent been too bad but the HA seems to be back,

could someone please advise me regarding cervical cancer,

in jan 2005 i had a borderline smear, i then had another smear 6 months later which was borderline i then had 3 more smears 6 months apart that were normal and so i have gone back to 3 yearly smears.

when all this jade thing happened in august i went to my gp and asked her about my smears she looked at my results and said she wasnt concerned and there was no need to bring my smears forward, i was reaasured at the time but now im panicking,

i have no pain after sex, no in between bleeding etc, no foul smelling discharge although throughtout the month my discharge changes in consistency and clear/white/creamy

im trying to stay calm but i could do with some advice

thank you