Hi not posted for a while about my fears.But i came of tramadol tuesday night.The reason being it was my birthday on the wed and you cant drink with these tablets.Any how to cut a long story shorth i havent been to bed for 48 hours because what is playing about in my head.A freind of ours died last thursday from a flu virus yes you heard me right . The virus made his heart enlarged and he died. He was 43 years old. We went to his funeral on tuesday took a panick attack. But on the wed i woke up with sore legs,and back, going hot and cold got a runny nose. And it keeps going through my head what if its the flu.Getting myself all worked up cant sleep thoughs going through my head. Can any one tell me what the tramadol withdrawls are plz. Not had to take diazpam but thing i might take one now .As ive got physicotherapy today.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...