Don't know if this is in the right section or not.I have never been able to sleep well since my anxiety increased but lately another symptom has been the ruler,feeling sick.If I am woken from sleep by a loud noise or someone outside passing or my daughterI instantly feel quite ill and my stomach gets churned up and nervy.I have to get up 9 times out of 10 and sip water or come on the computer(like now)and try and calm down it's driving me mad.I work part time at Tesco and I need as much rest as I can get and I am up now at half 3 and I need to get up early as I start work at 9.30 so I will feel exhausted again!.I read Dr Clare Weeks book and it says it could be over sensitization but would you feel sick with it? I have health anxiety as well and this is just fuelling the fire,I am thinking I have cancer somewhere as I do feel quite ill during the night on a regular basis,I am going to the hospital next week for a 24 hr heart monitor to be fitted as I get terrible palpatations and ectopic beats so I dread to think what all this sickness and nerves is doing to the state of my heart.Does anybody else get anything like this?