sometimes i wish i had some thing to show someone,like my arm hanging off,rather than "im just feeling a bit out of sorts" do they really want to hear it all.

cant sleep
constantly checking my body
shakes when im facing anything
dont want to talk to anyone
and the list goes on..........

does any one else wake in the morning checking everthing is ok,has the dreaded headache that hangs over my eye (brain tumour) gone.
stomach churning.....

distraction thats what i need.... tv.. put the washing on.... go in garden...
so it goes on...

thinks this might go off soon.... then cant swallow oh crap..panic..

why is it like a hamster wheel you just want to get off....

anyone else feel the same,would love to hear from you.

good job iv still got sense of humoutr well just

Love sky xx