Havent had a panic attack since aug/sept...........until yesterday. I have been under a bit of stress worrying bout my sis as shes on the edge of a breakdown so been trying to help her out but think iv burnt myself out in the process. Yesterday i had a panic attack which was bad........but wasnt ready for the big one i had today. I always seem to get them when i get near to my sons school...then it got worse in the playground with all the noise, i started getting hot and panicky, legs went week and then my breathing got out of sync. I thought i would be ok when he got out bu he asked that many questions my head got in a fuz and i felt my eyesight was going hazy.... which iv never had with previous panic attacks. I got to a shop for a drink but when inside felt i was going to hit the deck...i told the shopkeeper i was having a panic attack and she said.....im going through the menapause too ha, im laughing now at it as im indoors and safe, but im really dreading 2moz, going the school and iv got to go a few shops for my sons birthday prezzies in crowded noisy place where i ussualy get dizzy with the hustle and noise anyway. Im so scared ....anyone got any suggestions? they will be appreciated. Ang x