Hi peeps,

I know I haven't posted on here for some time now but I have been hovering mainly reading the posts on the forums.

Tonight I am sitting here at a loss of what to do. Feeling down and a bit sorry for myself.
Tomorrow is my 24th birthday and to be honest I'm not looking forward to it at all, I just want to stay in bed all day and wait for the day to just hurry past.
I suppose I am just in a down mood.
I am pregnant with my first child, I will be 13 weeks tomorrow. I am feeling nervous and excited about the whole experience.

Just at the moment I feel completely alone, I do have some friends and family around me but they never seem to ask how I am feeling, just "when is your scan/next appointment" etc. I guess I am finding some of it daunting because I am completely new to this and don't know what to expect.
Just currently I have noone to talk to and it's getting me down quite abit.