I don't know what's going on with me today, but I woke up feeling really down and depressed. My Citalopram dose was upped on Tuesday and I have not felt well because of it, so that might be a contributing factor.

I had to give up a temp job this week, that I had only worked in for 3 days because I couldn't cope and that has really knocked my confidence as well. Also my relationship ended a month ago and for some reason I have started torturing myself over it again, that maybe it was because I was so rubbish with my anxiety. After saying he really wanted to be friends and cared about me, he then cut me off with no explanation and I am blaming myself for it all.

I am 34 and have to live with my parents as I am broke after my divorce, not able to work at the moment, don't have a huge amount of friends and I find going out socially difficult because of my anxiety issues of feeling sick alot. I have a 4 year old daughter and think that I am not a good enough mother to her because of my condition.

A friend asked me to list some good things about myself the other day and I found it really hard, I realised that I don't have any self worth at all. I don't believe I deserve to be loved, or even liked because of my problems, because I am not a normal person and cannot cope with normal life. I feel a I'm a weak person and feel dreadfully guilty that my parents are having to support me, that I am a worry to them because I am unwell. I know they love me, but they deserve a better daughter. My sister has depression and anxiety too, but she works and is married and isn't terribly supportive at the moment.

Sorry for the long rant, but I just want to feel like I am a good person who is allowed to be happy. I need to find my way again.