Despite being told I have IBS, I can't help thinking that something has been overlooked.

I have on and off abdominal pain, sometimes loose stools, gas, bloating, rectal pain and low back pain/coccyx pain. I don't have any bleeding or mucus. I have had good blood tests and an abdominal/pelvic ultrasound which ruled out anything in upper GI or gynae problems. As soon as the doctor said that the ultrasound would not show anything in the bowel, I have fixated on bowel cancer. I feel sure I have it even though I only have a few symptoms. The worst by far is the feeling that I haven't finished a BM all the time. Is this an IBS symptom?

I also have a large Bartholin's cyst which is being sorted out next Monday. It is likely that this is causing the coccyx and lower back pain.

I don't know what to do. Do I go back to the doctor again?

I just want to have a normal life!!!