Does anybody suffer any of this OCD thinking patterns? (sorry it's a long post on my worries).

Fear of losing my mind, going more mad.

Fear of losing control of my actions and doing something against my values.

Scared of my own mind, doubt my self when negative thoughts pass me by.

Feeling my life has to be orderly, everything is run in a pattern and my future is mapped out.

Obsessive over colours, clothes, music anything in general due to HOCD thoughts fearing it's not man enough.

Horrible thoughts like I am going to die.

HOCD thoughts fearing I'm no longer into woman when I am, fearing of facing loved ones, friends and even that bad I worry I may fancy myself and have to check my down below area.

Worried about dating, future, relationship OCD if I am in a relationship/fears they she will leave me, worrying she will cheat on me.

Fears about telling people my past, either don't say or say it all in fear they will run away later in life.

Scared when dating that they have to be "ideal", even if it's just dating I have a guilty conscience that I can't meet anybody I half like, or is not nice enough, OCD over there looks, personality, background. I know it sounds shallow but it's OCD.

In work fearing I will lose control, shout at customers, do something extreme, walk out.

Future worries, work, where I will be.

Worrying about becoming low class, homeless, cheap and losing my self respect.

Obsessive over my body, have to be perfect, toned in every way.

Orderly about breakfast, can't miss breakfast or I may become too slim and feel faint or become too slim.

Obsessively worry over any changes, worrying the world is getting worse, change causes me sadness, distress, some changes can be good. Feeling I have to change to keep up, feeling the need to be in fashion.

Generally anxious round people due to negative thoughts, they cause me distress meaning I can be moody, unrelaxed, scared, paranoid.

Extremely paranoid everybody knows my thoughts, analyze me, pick up tension signals, guess my thoughts due to these signals think they are what I am really thinking even if it's "omg go away horrible thought" and my eyes wander or my face goes red or I feel uneasy.

Back to the change one, anything I've not done in a while causes me anxiety whether it be food, social activity ect.

Cleaning OCD, personal hygiene, need to spay alot of deodorant, then worry I will die from putting too much on. Obsessively using toilet roll, excessive hand washing, double cleaning floors/surfaces. Being orderly that I need two showers EVERY day. Needing to change clothes regular.

Addition OCD, worrying I am addicted to the computer, xbox, tv, sex, anything that takes up alot of my time.

The weather causes me anxiety due to change, people changing for the worst worries me in case I do. Worrying I am old, past it, time is passing me by, extreme pressure to move my life forward to the degree I stress to the max. Words worry me if I act different, say anything different I worry I'm changing, or getting personality disorder.

Can anybody relate to this? I feel it's taken over my life and I'm thinking way ahead of my self and these negative thoughts are driving me crazy? They seem so real, so controlling my actions are more compulsions. What can I do? I try to relax?