Hi all

I've started having mild panic attacks for the last two weeks after a scary episode at work. Thursday I had my first full blown panic attack and they have been happening often since (2-3 times a day). it does not help I am on my own right now (husband away until tomorrow) and my family is in another country.
I feel scared and lonely and desperate that this will affect my life and work and family life etc.
I am planning on booking counseling tomorrow and going on a holiday to help me get started on sorting myself out.
Just had a panic attack (thought my throat was closing and that I could not breathe) about 5 minutes ago and rang my husband who is leaving the place where he is to come and help me but I now feel I've bullied him into doing so...
My neck feels stiff and my head heavy and so I rand NHS direct because I thought I had meningitis... I was telling the girl on the line that she didn't understand my symptoms...I've been checked by doctors (thought I had a problem with my heart) and they said everything is physically fine, so now I think they are wrong... feel I am loosing my mind, it is horrible.
I am normally a logical person (since I am a scientist) but cannot stop thinking my symptoms up or, like it was this morning, that, even though I was feeling better it was just a matter or time until I had another attack.

I don't want to and can't live like this, I want to start therapy of some kind but I feel it won't help the attakcs, as stupid as it seems I just want someone to give me something tohelp me live my life again.

Sorry about the long message... had to get this out of my chest and I think people here will understand... I just want to live happy again.