Pasted from somewhere else... your opnions greatly valued....

I am experiencing shortness of breath / anxiety attacks the day after I have drunk. This is like clockwork, and hits hardest in the evening. I had a small bout of anxiety between ages 6 and 8 that passed and nothing was diagnosed or pinpointed as a trigger so this characteristic is in my system. It has returned now though and after a coupe of years of me monitoring it there is a definite link to alcohol. i.e. It will NEVER EVER happen when I am under the influence, but it will 80% happen the day after when the alcohol is leaving my system. I have put myself into situations to learn all about this and know exactly how to control it. I can deal with it fine on my own but being in a confined space or with others makes it worse. I fidget and can’t seem to keep still for long. The sensation is a bit like if you are out of breath from exercise but suddenly breathe as if you’re resting – it feels like you are not getting enough oxygen. Ironically doing exercise helps because it restores a natural breathing rhythm. The main issue for me is others finding out about it, and that thought scares me and makes the situation much worse. Pathetic, as I am worrying about nothing in particular. I know it is in my mind as usually if I leave the place from where it begins, it is relieved. Now this in my eyes is either a genuine anxiety attack not linked to but triggered by alcohol or it is some form of withdrawal from when I drink or delirium tremens. Very hard to call which though – any thoughts or similar experience?