Hi all,

I am new to the forum, and was hoping for some help and advice if possible please.

I suffer from OCD, depression and anxiety, have done since i was a child.

I have been on sertraline for 15 years and got on well with it. I started on 50mg, but over time i needed my dose increased and until recently was on 150mg. Anyway, i seemed to be getting worse, and my psychiatrist changed my meds to Venlafaxine.

Venlafaxine is a horrid drug, been on it nearly 6 weeks,but has made me ill so i am being taken off of it, infact i take my last pill tomorrow.

Heres the choice i need to make, and need some help with:

My psych has prescribed my fluoxatine 20mg to start the day after i take my last venlafaxine, BUT, she has also agreed to me taking sertraline again instead, choice is kinda mine!

So, thats the choice i need to make, do i give fluoxatine a go, or do i just go back onto sertraline?

Any help would be greatfully recieved, as i only have 24 hours to decide, and i really don't know which is the best option!