Anyone take Xanax? My Dr. perscribed a small does for me back in January - 30 pills total. In August I am finally down to my last two pills. I realize they are very addicting - so I would only take them when I was to a point that I couldn't stand it any more. And after I take my 2 pills I usually feel so much better - my whole body relaxes and I am able to concentrate....

Right now I am having HUGE anxiety about colon cancer - just terrible - I don't even know how it started. I have had no blood in my stool - my BM's have been a bit off but I am CERTAIN it is my worry/anxiety and poor diet doing that (well, my sain mind tells me that anyway).

So, I am going to the Dr's on Wednesday for a med recheck and I am hoping she will give me another perscription for Xanax - it has saved me more than once. Anyone else have good or bad experience with it??