I also have these mystery aches but at the moment it is in my left hand and in particular my pinky. My particular fear is parkinsons and I am definitely getting to the stage where I am getting the better of my HA but stupidly thought that given I was feeling better then if I went on to a parkinsons support group website then it would actually be a positive thing and show how far I had come in overcoming my fear. (Yes, I know it is an utterly stupid thing to do.) Anyway I am reading through one of the case studies about a young guy like me who had parkinsons and the first symptom he noticed was the involuntary movement in one of the fingers in his left hand. Guess what, 24 hours later I have this numb and almost tremorish feeling in my pinky, very similar to what Chickadee is describing. It happened on monday and I still have it though I can now see it for what it is. A physical manifestation of the mind. One thing that I am starting to notice is that the power of the mind and its ability to play tricks on your subconscious is unbelievable.
Keep up the good fight everyone!!