I have always suffered from wind and pains in my stomach, GP said I must have always had IBS. I had lots of bloods done last year, all clear.

I had some electric allergy testing done recently which told me I was intolerant to dairy, I am not sure how accurate this is, though it did also say onions, pork, tomatoes and citrus fruit which I know I have reactions too, spooky!

2 days ago I had a jacket potato with cottage cheese, I always have this at lunchtime and within half an hour my stomach was bubbling and painful, it felt bloated. It hasn't gone since, I am left with stomach cramps and bubbling feeling, very low down though, below my belly button. My stomach rumbles all the time like I am hungry, I eat but the wind does not go, it is so annoying.

I am seeing my GP today, it was to just pick up some iron tablets and arrange a blood test for it but now I have stomach trouble and had bad tinitus all week I am worrying about going, he is going to think im mad I hate it when everything hits at once

I know what he will say though, he will just say my stomach is just me and to let it pass. He has given me opramzole (I think it was) in the past but they made me feel worse.

Does anyone else suffer like this? what could have flared it up and why won't it go? I haven't eaten any dairy since, and it still won't go so im not sure it is that.

Has anyone had the electronic allergy testing and know how accurate it is?