Hi there,
This is the first post Ive made so please be gentle. I suffer from anxiety and agrophobia but have made great steps to resolve this, mainly for my children. My current anxiety is my daughter as she's just left home to go to Uni and although she's not too far away I feel bereft. She having the time of her life!

We're not the closest of mother and daughter teams. I returned to work when she was 3 months old and my mother whom Im grateful to became an extension of me. My daughter's very close to my mother and I feel resentful. Im dont feel the whole kissing and hugging thing very easy and feel now that my daughter might think I dont lover her. She contacts my mother by text all the time and her Dad and I are just an after thought. I try not to keep midering and asking her how she is as I know she needs time to follow her dreams and grow as a human being.
Ive spent today questioning my role in her up bringing and feel a complete failure, I feel tearful as I write this and have panicked several times thoughout today. I've gone over the times when she was little and asked if I gave her enough emotionally, is it too late to make amends?

Thanks for reading. X