I've been away from the notice board for a while so amy feeling a bit out of touch with what's been going on for everyone else. Against all expectations, my holiday period was quite good - well it's all relative and I wasn't feeling nearly as anxious, despairing as I usually am. But I hit rock bottom again at the beginning of the week when life returned to 'normal'. I can feel so much better when I have my parents to stay and I get on with looking after them - why can't I manage this when I'm on my own or with my husband? Anyway I'd like any suggestions for a good read - preferably humourous. No thrillers, suspense, or stories about gritty, real-life problems - I used to really enjoy the latter but can't seem to cope with anything unless it's about pleasant stuff and no life problems. Books I've enjoyed include any by Tony Hawks (particularly Round Ireland with a fridge), Bill Bryson, and Ben Elton, Harry Potter books. Also anyone know of any 'inspirational' stuff - stories which might lift your spirits and give hope, either fictional or non-fictional. Thanx for suggestions
