Ok, recently I've been suffering from these symptoms:

-Bleeding gums with a bad taste in my mouth
-Slightly swollen legs and feet
-Sweaty hands and feet
-General aches and pains
-Abnormal bruising - Well, just over 2 months ago my left foot swelled up and was quite badly bruised. I had gone over on it slightly and the doctor said he thought it was a combination of different injuries causing it to bruise. Was worrying though as it never happened straight away, noticed a slight pain when I was walking that gradually got worse and worse over the hours/days. I do have insoles for my feet that I hadn't been wearing so these might've had a hand in making the bruising and swelling worse. At least that's what I've been trying to tell myself.

This is been going on for the past couple of months. I've literally been in a panic for the last month. It's all I can think about. I've been to the doctors yet again, and she didn't think I had anything to worry about. I had been taking Minoxidil for my hair (4ml daily, twice the recommended dose) and one of the side effects can be swelling of the extremeties, so she was prettty positive this had caused the swollen legs and feet. I stopped taking it over a week ago though and my legs and feet are still swelling up a bit. Not 100% sure if this is a common symptom of leukemia but I found some cases where leg swelling has been a symptom.

The gum bleeding and bad taste has had me panicking constantly as well.
I'm sure the bleeding gums started around the time the other symptoms began. I can't get them off my mind as every time I get the bad taste in my mouth all I can think of is. "Oh my god I'm dieing!".

It's at the stage now where I'm constantly examining my body trying to find symptoms that I can attribute to leukemia. Just earlier on I thought I had petechaie on my feet. They are miniscule light spots, some of which are probably freckles but that didn't stop me getting in a complete panic about them.

The doctor on the second visit still felt none of this was anything to worry about. Never even checked my lymph nodes or anything.
She just suggested that I go the dentist about my bleeding gums and return to the doctors in 2-3 weeks if I'm still worrying.
Obviously though, I've convinced myself I've now had leukemia for 2 months so I'm questioning whether or not I'll even last that long.
Can anyone give me any reassurance as I'm really struggling to cope right now.