I was just wondering if anyone else feels like I do.

A few months ago I was hit by extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I am on medication but feel totally on edge all the time. Now I have been told I have depression as well - even though I'm on anti depressants.

I do not want to die in fact I am scared of dying. Thoughts that never used to worry me stick in my head like - why are we here, am I going to die soon, everyone will die at some point & what will it be like when my family are gone.

I get irritable and fidgety all the time. Even the thought of going out somewhere makes my panic come on. I feel like I'm going mad or am losing the plot.
From the outside friends think I'm well again but on the inside I just keep hoping I will get better soon. Nothing major has happened to bring this all on which makes it harder to understand.

How does depression effect you?