Hi all,
sorry to have yet another health worry but I thought I would write it down in the hope it puts me off rushing to the doctors straight away.
I was so tempted to phone the docs at half 8 this morning to get into see someone but thought as calmly as I could that I maybe need to wait a day or so.
anyway. I woke up this morning and I have a sore little lump right behin my left ear. It is right behind the lobe on the crease between ear and neck as close to the ear as possible (dont know if that makes sense ) It feels the same as when you have a painful spot but I have looked with the aid of several mirrors and its not a spot but more an 'area' i cant determind whether it on the skin or a bit more internal ie the actual bone behind my ear.
I have gone through the list I doubt its cancer, it could just be a spot or it could be an ear infection? When I think ear infection I'm thinking it will be swollen to the size of an apple by this time tomorrow, it will then lead to blood poisoning, i will then either be dead or have to have my ear cut off.
Somedays my health worries can drive me insane :( I dont want to go to the doctors at the first sign of pain cos it might be just a spot but then if I leave it I worry myself stupid. I cant win.
sorry for going on, just had to get this off my chest.
lucy x