hey all, i know there have been lots of threads on this problem but if im really honest i just wanted to write this down for myself to see what im saying and to see if some people have had similar experiences.
i've been dealing with globus for 7 months now, my main cause was i think my marraige problems that set it off, the doctor said i was showing all anxiety symptoms and what i had to do to try and control it and what not. i have been to see an ENT doctor, had a camara put up my nose and down my throat, and he couldn't find anything at all, had every blood test under the sun and they all came back clear, so i know there is nothing bad wrong with me but yet i am still dealing with globus and the effect it has is so upsetting for me. none of my friends and family really understand, all i get from them is " it's all in your head " which is fine and all but not very comforting. i am now going thru a divorce, which is not helping me at all, also in a new relationship so my head is really all over the place.
Some days my globus is not that bad and i can deal with it, and some days its so bad i really don't want to talk. then i get a new symptom and think " hang on, not had this before " and start stressing over it. grrrr it's so annoying. like today, got up felt fine, went into town then on the way home my throat felt like i couldn't swallow properly, all the top of my mouth was sore like i had burn't it on something, yet i know i haven't, then the back of my mouth feels like it sgot dirt in it? weird. the other day i felt like i couldn't talk properly, as if my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth y'know? and when i was talking it felt like i was gonna choke so had to keep clearing my throat and swallowing. man alive it drives me crazy. i know that it can't hurt me in anyway, but i just really never knew that stress and anxiety can have such a bad physical effect on you, i mean i've been stressed before in the past but never got like this. I'm on the waiting list for CBT , i've already had a phone consultation with a therapist, and she told me i need physchodynamic therapy ( think thats how you spell it), but the waiting list is up to 5 months. so in that time im just trying to deal with all this the best way i can.
sorry to go on, and if i have posted this and someone else has said the same thing then im sorry, im not very good at writing on forums and stuff, so just see a header and post on it.