Sorry if this is too long, please advise me

I have had tingling on and off for 6 months since some pretty stressful situations (minor op, work related and private stuff too). For my op I was bed-bound for a week or two (so could have pinched a nerve?).

During op recovery, I had pins and needles over my body (not the tingling sensation which occurred a month or so later).

I lost my job and went through a couple os stressful situations and I started feeling numbness in my neck and pain in my shoulders. Tingling happened soon after - fingers, arms, legs, feet, face. Horrible sensation.

Symptoms died down for a few months (especially after reading a book by Claire Weeks - coincidence? I don't know).

Symptoms started to re-occur two weeks ago. Pain in neck, which travelled all round shoulders to other side of neck. I thought 'nevermind, probably due to poor form when excercising - at least I don't have the bloody tingling'. Two days after the neck pain started, the tingling arrived

My pain in my neck has nearly gone, but it has been replaced by a numbness in the left-side of my neck. I'm scared there is something wrong with my spine/nerves. I am not stressed out at all (especially the last month or so). I've shelled out for a holiday and am set to leave soon - what if there is something wrong with me? I will lose all my money for my holiday.

How long would I have to wait for a scan? I don't want a scan if it's stress/anxiety, but what if there is something wrong with me? What if I let it fester and it becomes worse?

I hate this. Sorry for rambling. I feel pathetic and weak. I want to interact with friends and family, but I feel so lethargic and upset because of this