Try this,
Upon waking -- instead of going straight into auto pilot anxiety mode and s checking yourself for every possible ailment under the sun, make a point of really focusing and noticing everything around you in minute detail in every room that you go into --from your bedroom and the bed you lie on every night, to the sheets, what colour are they, what colour is the duvet or blanket, what is it made from, where did you buy it, is it in good condition, think of who made the clothes hanger that is left lying on the floor or who made whatever items that are on the dresser, bed side table etc. I bet you see things you didn't even realize were there.
Be curious and notice all the colours of every single item in the bedroom and bathroom etc....
Carry this on as you wash your face etc. What make are the taps, what brand name are the towels, look at the fluffiness on the towel, how is that done....... I think you get my point by now
We tend to LOOK but not really SEE or NOTICE all the wonderful colours/textures etc of items of things in our own homes and on our way to work etc.... make a point of noticing as many new things as you can each day and wonder how did they get there, who made them, who bought them, put them there etc......??????

Are the birds singing? Can you hear the wind? What can you hear?


Have you ever been feeling anxious and then maybe a piece on the radio or TV or a phone call or emergency has caught your attention and distracted you so much that you completely forgot about your anxiety
I bet you have!!

This takes the focus away from ourselves and puts our brain into an active positive curious mode. We take so many things for granted and don't NOTICE all the tiny wonderful things. Increase your awareness and your anxiety will dissolve.

Also before going to sleep replay the events of the whole day in your minds eye changing all/any bad things that might have happened into positive / fun/ funny/ exciting / different outcome events. Going to sleep with happy thoughts gives us a much stronger chance of waking up feeling happy!
best of luck to all,

As ever, all positive/negative feedback is greatly appreciated

A Mighty Oak Tree is merely an Acorn that stood its ground!