My doctor put me on mirtazapine for my panic attacks and depression and to be honest I wish i never had started them. I have been off them now for 2 weeks and i'm in absolute hell with withdrawel from them i feel as if i am completely back to square one. Does anyone have any idea how long these naty withdrawel symptoms will last as i feel terrible. Mirtazapine did work for the two years i was on them but i put on 2 stone in weight which is rapidly coming off again now i've stopped taking them they made me have mood swings i would shout at my partner for no reason i was irrational and i belive although they relieved my panic attacks they have toatally messed my head up. My advice to anyone taking these is to be careful with them because when you try and stop them you will go through absolute hell and i even used a taper regime with them.