Hi All, I'm new to this site and wondered if any of you had any information on the best herbal remedies for anxiety/panic. I take Passiflora tablets daily (I was told by the people in the health shop that these were better than Valerian or St John Wort Extract)-does anyone else agree with this? I don't know if they have helped or its just a placebo effect, they certainly don't work like magic (as I'm sure nothing does) but I feel safer having taken them (if that makes sense?!) I also carry rescue remedy everywhere, I do find that help at times.
Anyway if anyone has any suggestions on what actually is best to take it would be much appreciated. I'm trying not to go down the medication route if possible and feel taking herbal remedies gives me at least some control (well it feels as though I'm doing something positive anyway!)
Thanks in advance and take care everyone!