Hi, New here.
Been having problems for about a year now. Started off as pains around ribs, appendix, but had blood tests, thyroid tests, ecg x 2, gastroscopy, but came back with nothing. Frustrated as couldnt understand why nothing found, as I certainly wasnt imagining the pains. GP gave me fluoxetine a year ago, but only it for 3 months as didn't seem to do anything. Now been on amitriptyline for a year, 50mg at night to help sleep. About once a month I get very stressed and cant sleep, GP gave me Diazapam to take. Given 10 pills and have used 4 in 6 months. Problem now is muscles very tight in chest every day and pain down chest centre and sternum. Want to get to bottom of it as very frustrting and limiting in what I can do. Work very stressful, but get through it, then pains start at home when trying to relax. The pain then goes from chest to numbness down the left arm and hand which can last for several hours. GP has offered citalopram 10mg, but wary of side effects and would prefer to get over this without medication, so pills still sitting in cupboard for past 3 months. Tried multivitamins and Vit B Complex been on these for 2 months now, but dont appear to help. Read about 5HTP, but not sure if I can take it with amitriptyline. Thought about Hypnotherapy, or biofeedback or other alternatives to help get through the muscle crampings when they happen and especially the night ones. lthough the night ones are now rarer they are very frightening, but dont want to rely on pills, if I can find alternatives.
Any ideas?