I was chatting to my friend a second ago, who I'll admit often is one for being melodramatic about this stuff - she once even scared me about UFOs and aliens! - but this one kinda got me too :(

I use my mobile phone too much.. I know I do ._. I am hooked on the silly thing - I'm a talkative person by nature and I love having someone to talk to while I'm walking down to the shops or around town or whatever I'm doing.

But now I'm mega scared :'(

I always thought that research into the harmful effects of mobile phones were inconclusive and negligible at best but apparently they are coming out more and more :( And she said she even knew someone who died of a brain tumour that may well have been caused by it (apparently that woman was a very heavy mobile user).

Hmmm ._. I scared.

I mean it's still true that results are shakey, and hell a LOT of people use phones a lot and this is the first time I've EVER heard a story about someone dying like this (seems a LITTLE coincidental it's from the same woman as the UFO thing right? lol).

But yeah I'm thinking about a) cutting my phone use down to practically 0 and b) maybe, possibly, maybe, going for an MRI scan if my doctor lets me, just coz.. I dunno.. I'm scared :(

Is that silly? Coz like, it's not that I wanna be dumb it's just that I don't wanna find out that something is there if it's too late. Damn you 3 why did you have to give me unlimited free Skype minutes!! lol

I'm SO glad I know now, but I'm still scared out of my little (probably healthy) mind ._.


What should I do? Or what would you do?

