I have suffered from chest pain and ectopic beats now for 8 years. This I believe caused anxiety. My chest pain can be underneath my left breast, in my neck, jaw and underneath of my left arm. This pain comes mainly at rest of when I'm stressed at work and this pain also comes on when I'm hot for example - when I take my two children to their swimming lessons, the pool area where we are able to sit is just boiling and steamy. I feel hot, the veins in my hands just get huge and I get the pains in my jaw and down left arm.

My father died of an MI at 60 but needed a triple heart bypass at age of 51 (though he was a heavy smoker for years). My mother has been on blood pressure tablets for quite a few years (to treat high bp).

With the history and my pains, I've had NUMEROUS ECG's (worst thing shown up on this was non-specific t-wave abnormality), I have had chest x-rays (normal heart size, lungs clear), I had a negative stress test around four years ago (haven't requested one since). I've had trop-t blood tests. I've taken myself to A&E twice with chest pain and a Medical Emergency Unit (different hosp) with chest pain and nothing can be found. I have seen three Cardiologists but the third one that I saw just did one flatline ECG (I wasn't having any pain whilst he was doing this) and it naturally didn't show up anything significant and he told me to stop worrying and to get a life. My GP now feels I'm neurotic.

I just feel that there is definately something wrong as I'm 33 and none of my friends have these episodes of jaw/left arm pain and random chest pains.

I read on here to see if any of the other threads remind me of my situation and I can't determine whether I'm someone who has anxiety and the anxiety causes all of this or whether I do in fact have something wrong that hasn't yet been picked up and this situation is causing the anxiety. I know this much, I adore my children so very much and if I do have something wrong and it hasn't been picked up and I go on to have a heart attack and die, I would cry every day in heaven that no one took me seriously when they had the chance you know.

Yes a doctor could give me Diazepam or something else to calm me down but Diazepam won't get rid of any heart problem that I have and ultimately this is what I think I have.

Any suggestions?