Hey everyone

a few weeks ago just before xmas I started to have a real bad taste in my mouth since then its progressed into a burning sensation sometimes on the tip and then sometimes on the back of my tongue and sometimes generaly all over. Iv'e seen 3 doctors about this and a nurse none of them gave me any answers. I read that a bad taste and a burning sensation can be thrush ? I dont have any white patches on my tongue but it feels as though its burning and looking alot pailer than usual. The doctor gave me some corsodyl but after reading the side effects I didn't take any :/. so I went to the chemist and asked him about my symptoms he suggested Daktarin I havent tried any yet. Im not to sure what to do ive had a blood test done which came back negative just before xmas. Its hurting really bad and im convinced I havent made it up in my head ive never had anything this bad before and was suffering with a low mood before the bad taste come on. Im just wondering has anyone had anything like this ??
