Its my first day on citalopram and thought I would let you all know how I was getting on. I was prescribed these on monday for depression and have been too scared to take them. I was on fluoxetine 20mg for 5 years and came off them in 2008 so i have done well med free for 2 years. I have my panic attacks under control a lot of mine were obessive thoughts that would trigger a panic attack. I actually read something on about a method of stopping them and it worked. I have the odd blip but I use rescue remedy to control them and the odd lorezepam if desperate!
Basically I suffer from severe mood swings and then get days of depression but always manage to come out of it. It does scare me as I can feel really happy one hour then be very angry and upset the next hour i have no idea why. I didnt have the happiest of childhoods like a lot of people and I am a very insecure person. I started cbt and felt it really helped me but only had 6 sessions.
To cut a long story short I had been in a low mood last week as I have my period(sorry guys)! My dad came over to babysit my 5 year old son and my husband me and 2 of our friends went out. We had a great night dancing and drinking but I had drank a lot. I only drink the odd glass of wine at the weekends but when I go out I binge drink. My husbands friend asked him to get a girls number for him as he was too shy and so my husband got the number. Something inside me snapped apparently I attacked my husband in the taxi then when we got home I went mental pushed my best friend over who hit her face on the door. I pushed my husband who fell into a glass vase and cut his arm badly.I was laying outside on the grass screaming.I dont remember any of this i completely blacked out. It was so scary. Thank goodness my son wasnt woken up. The police were called my dad tried to defend me as the police were going to take me away. They left in the end and my dad put me to bed.My friend went home and my husband got his arm treated. the next day I felt so disgusted with myself I dont know what happened? It really scared me. I had a similar thing happen 2 years ago and I ended up with a caution as I hurt anouther girl.I am 33 years old I shouldnt be doing things like this. When I am sober I wouldnt hurt anyone I have a bad temper but I wouldnt lash out.
So I ended up at the doctor on monday morning where they have referred me to the community mental health team. and she has put me on 10mg citalopram. But i am too scared to take them so I gave in this morning and took 5mg yes I am a coward! But i dont want to trigger off panic attacks as I dont really have them anymore. But after about 3 hours I felt sick and had a bad headache so i took some parecetmol. Also felt tired so really not that bad. I am going to take the other half of tablet at 6.00pm I thought at least I got the 10mg down me. I do have a bit of a upset stomach could be nerves!Oh and dont feel hungry which is great!
To be honest Im not sure what these tablets are meant to do for me as the last 2 days I have felt fine no depression at all but that could all change. so do they balance out your moods?
I hope so as i feel like a rubbish mum and my poor husband dont know how he puts up with me. He is in the army so has enough stuff to put up with.

Well I have started the med so will see what happens and will keep you all posted on my progress as I was terrified to take these pills.So if I can help anyone else that is great.